In the News

Evening Edition - March 14


There’s so much “shock” news in this clickbait age that one day’s “hair-on-fire” story is forgotten the following week. But one story that should not be allowed to disappear down the memory hole is that we now have a Congress that is incapable of going on record as saying that a baby born alive during a botched abortion – an infant human, separate from its mother and fully arrived on Earth – deserves to receive medical attention from doctors who are just standing there, watching it struggle for its life.

In the Senate, a bill to require doctors to provide these innocent babies with the most basic duty of a doctor’s profession failed by 53-44 because Democrats wouldn’t take the most basic moral stand for life and overcome the 60-vote threshold. That at least got a little coverage, although it should have been the biggest story of the year so far: “Major Political Party Endorses Infanticide.”

What has slipped under the radar is the fact that something similar has happened in the Democratic House 17 times in just 40 days. That’s how many times Republicans have attempted to bring the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to a vote, only to have Democrats block it moving from committee to the Floor.

There is a way around this that Republicans are trying: Louisiana Rep. Mike Johnson called for unanimous consent to a discharge petition to move the bill to the Floor. Democrats cut off his microphone and ruled him out of order. But Republicans plan to try again.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, “This is not a partisan issue. This is not about Republicans or Democrats — this is about life. This is about a child who survives an abortion, just the same as any newborn being able to survive. They need care. We shouldn’t have to be talking about this, but we look at what’s moving across the country, the extreme of what the Democrats have moved to.”

The Republicans plan to keep calling for a vote on the discharge petition, and I would hope you would contact your Democratic Congress members to tell them to support it. McCarthy is right: polls show this is not a partisan issue: large majorities of Americans of all political beliefs support a ban on late term abortion, and this goes far beyond that. It’s simply mandating the most basic care to a living, breathing, post-birth human baby. If a penniless homeless person shows up at a hospital needing life-saving care, the federal government requires that he receive treatment. Why does a newborn baby not deserve the same level of care?

The pro-abortion left has no coherent argument for opposing this. They weep over the fictitious claim that Republicans want to rip babies from their mothers’ arms at the border and put them in cages while championing ripping babies from their mothers’ wombs and throwing them in Dumpsters. Now, they’re actually arguing that if the babies miraculously survive, “the right too chose” covers allowing doctors to choose to stand around doing nothing to help until the baby dies. Some actually fell back on the kneejerk response that Republicans were trying to “control women’s bodies.” Uh, pardon me, but the baby on that table 10 feet away is no longer connected to its mother’s body in any way.

The only other argument they’ve been able to muster is that Republicans are just trying to embarrass the Democrats by bringing this up. Well, if you can’t condemn infanticide, then you deserve to be more than embarrassed. You should hang in your head in shame and humiliation at how you have flushed your sense of basic human decency down the toilet of political expediency.


If House Democrats (who keep claiming that theirs is the Party of bold, progressive leadership) can’t even firmly denounce anti-Semitism or murdering babies, then what will they take a stand for? Well, they’ll boldly stand up for the right of non-citizens and even illegal immigrants to cast votes that cancel out the votes of actual US citizens. So there’s that.


Be still our beating hearts! “Beto” O’Rourke is officially running for President! It appears that three House terms, one losing Senate race and some rad skateboard skills are now experience enough to handle the most difficult and important executive job in the world. In a fawning cover profile in Vanity Fair, he hinted at the decision, saying of politics, “I’m just born to do this.” That has a tinge of royal privilege/divine right that’s off-putting to many Americans and that made Hillary so unappealing. But at least it’s a better campaign slogan than “Qualifications? What’s that?!”

While I know he has many fans among those who rate “charisma” as the most important trait in a chief executive, I wonder if the vast amounts of money that poured into his Senate race will be as likely to materialize in his Presidential coffers. The $80 million he blew losing to Ted Cruz was showered on him partly because he looks cool on social media, but largely because the donors hate-hate-hated Ted Cruz and “Beto” was the best shot they had at defeating him. But he now has to compete with national-level, far more experienced Democrats who could debate Trump without looking like the quarterback didn’t show up so they sent in the waterboy.

Some analysts believe that “Beto” doesn’t seriously believe he’ll get the nomination but is positioning himself to be the Beta male Vice President to Joe Biden. If he really thinks the current Democratic Party mood points to “Let’s run two white males,” I question whether he’s really born to be in politics.


With all the sleazy dealings he’s had in his life, if Paul Manfort were asked what one thing he would do differently, I have no doubt that he would reply that he would never have worked to help elect Donald Trump President.

Yesterday, Manafort was sentenced to another six years in prison on charges related to prior political and lobbying work infractions. Added to his previous sentence for tax and bank fraud charges, and with sentences running concurrently, he will likely spend seven-and-a-half years in prison. Note that none of these charges have anything to do with Russian collusion or the 2016 presidential campaign, the supposed focus of the investigation.

Immediately afterward, Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance, Jr., hit Manafort with 16 more counts, including mortgage fraud and falsifying business records. These are state charges that President Trump couldn’t pardon him for. That fact was used in various op-eds to question whether this will finally pressure Manafort into “turning” on Trump, the assumption being that he actually has some incriminating information he’s just refused to spill even if it means going to federal prison. This is what’s meant by prosecutors who want witnesses to “sing,” and if they have nothing to offer, pressuring them into “composing.”

I have no particular sympathies for Manfort and his sleazy dealings, but I don’t like the heavy stench of selective prosecution that’s wafting off of this entire case. That’s why I say that with all the things Manafort has done to feel regretful for, working briefly for Trump is probably #1. If he hadn’t done that, it’s doubtful that prosecutors would ever have come after him like Torquemada on Benzedrine.

At the link, Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics makes the case that Washington is filled with swamp creatures who do the same things Manafort is being sent to the big house for and never face prosecution. If these high-and-mighty dealers of justice want to prove they’re not just abusing their powers to act as partisan hatchet men, then let’s see them start giving the same legal colonoscopy to the other fast-and-loose lobbyists. I seriously doubt they’ll ever do that because that would actually help fulfill Trump’s promise to “drain the swamp.”


Today’s must-see video (or must-read transcript): Fox News’ Tucker Carlson eviscerated the leftist hit squad masquerading as a nonpartisan watchdog Media Matters for America, and its stunningly hypocritical leader, for launching a campaign to have him fired over some offensive jokes he told on a shock jock radio show 12 years ago. That crashing noise you hear in the background is Media Matters’ glass house being shattered.

Also read Jim Treacher’s comments on this. He has some remarkable personal experience with both Carlson and Media Matters, and he shares it in no uncertain terms.


America’s most successful leftwing hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, isn’t experiencing any poverty itself. According to its latest financial disclosure, even though revenues, grants and contributions are down (as they should be), the SPLC’s total assets have swollen to over $518 million due to its rising investment portfolio (thanks, Trump!)  $121 million of that is parked in offshore accounts, in places such as the Cayman Islands -- something I’m sure the average SPLC supporter would be screaming bloody murder about if it were true of a conservative “nonprofit” organization. That’s a $30 million increase in offshore investments since 2017.

The statement also reveals that in 2018, the SPLC formed an Action Fund and filed for 501(c)(4) nonprofit tax-exempt status as a "social welfare" group to engage in "legislative battles at every level of government" and to support "critical ballot initiatives." All purely nonpartisan, I’m sure.

(Can you imagine how many grand juries the New York prosecutors would convene if they found out the Trump Foundation ever even had a P.O. box in the Cayman Islands?)

Let us hope that next year’s filing will show a considerable reduction in the SPLC’s vast wealth after they have to pay out even more multi-million dollar settlements for slandering perfectly mainstream religious organizations as anti-gay hate groups.


Liberal Thought Processes circa 2019: “Borders are immoral! Anyone who wants to come in to the US should be allowed to stream in, even from Third World countries with no health standards. And while we’re at it, let’s stop vaccinating our children! What could possibly go wrong?”


Further proof that Trump Derangement Syndrome, if left untreated, can lead to permanent brain damage.


Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg declared that he wants Facebook to build a mind-reading machine. I really don’t think he would need a mind-reading machine to know what I’m thinking right now.


Wait, so America’s first person to win the right to be legally declared of “non-binary gender” now claims it was all a sham and a lie, “a medical and scientific fraud,” the end result of him having psychological issues that should have been dealt with by a mental health professional, but instead he was given hormones and surgery by doctors too terrified of the radical transgender movement to tell him the truth?

Yep, that’s what he’s telling us, and the transgender movement is not happy with him for saying it.

The good news is that while he’s now back to claiming to be male, he doesn’t have to stay that way. At latest count, there are at least 55 other genders he could try. And that’s 24 more genders than Baskin-Robbins has ice cream flavors.


No, this headline is not from the Onion or the Babylon Bee. It’s just another day with AOC.