Press Releases

Johnson Statement on Shooting at Congressional Baseball Practice

 Rep. Johnson released the following statement regarding the shooting at the congressional baseball practice:

"We are shocked and saddened by the shooting this morning. We are still waiting for additional details, but my dear friend and colleague, Congressman Steve Scalise, members of his U.S. Capitol Police detail, and perhaps other staff members were among those harmed. Our family and staff join countless other Americans this morning in praying for the victims and their precious families. Steve is one of the finest men and most dedicated public servants I have ever known, and I expect his faith and strength of character will carry him through this ordeal.

"We live in a dangerous world, at a time when evil runs rampant and leaders are targeted. We must be vigilant at all times, but we can never operate in a spirit of fear. We will not be deterred."   

All members of the Johnson staff are safe and accounted for.