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Louisiana's Steve Scalise, Mike Johnson give state rising power in new GOP House

Shreveport Times: Greg Hilburn

Republican Louisiana Congressmen Steve Scalise and Mike Johnson will be among the leaders at the seat of power in the next GOP-controlled House after securing wins from their delegation.

Scalise, who represents the 1st Congressional District, will be the majority leader in the new Congress next year, second only to the House speaker, who will likely be Kevin McCarthy of California.

Scalise will be the highest-ranking House member from Louisiana since Democrat Hale Boggs was majority leader in the early 1970s.

Republicans are poised to flip the House from Democratic control with a thin majority. Though the winning margin for Republicans was a disappointment, they will set the House agenda nonetheless.

“By rejecting big government socialism, hardworking people all across America, from Portland, Oregon to Miami, Florida, elected a House Republican majority that will fight for them every day so we can get our country back on track, and we are ready to face this challenge," Scalise, of Metairie, said in a statement. "We will get to work preparing an agenda that is focused on the struggles hardworking families are facing, including passing bills through the House to reduce inflation, lower energy costs, secure the border, and help law enforcement officers get the tools they need to keep our communities safe from rampant crime."

Johnson, who represents the 4th Congressional District, kept his current job as vice-chair of the Republican Conference, or caucus.

“The American people have turned to House Republicans in the 118th Congress to lead on principle and produce results, and I am truly humbled and grateful to my colleagues for putting their faith in me to help direct that effort with a second term as vice chairman of House Republicans," Johnson said in a statement. "These are fateful days for our great nation, and now is the time for us to speak and to lead with clarity and conviction. By God’s grace, and by standing together, we will succeed.”

Louisiana's other House members - Republicans Garret Graves of Baton Rouge, Clay Higgins of Lafayette, Julia Letlow of Start and Democrat Troy Carter of New Orleans - are also expected to advance in the next Congress with influential committee assignments, which will be announced later.

"With my colleagues from the state also in position to secure key roles I think Louisiana is in a better position as a delegation than it ever has been," Johnson told USA Today Network. "We're punching way above our weight."

Scalise also indicated Republicans in the House will go on offense against Democratic President Joe Biden and his administration.

“We will also carry out the important oversight necessary to hold the Biden Administration accountable for their actions that undermine our national security and the rule of law," said Scalise in his statement without being specific.