Press Releases

Johnson Advocates for Defense Community Projects

 Washington, April 17, 2023 – United States Representative Mike Johnson (LA-04) submitted a community project funding request for Barksdale Air Force Base:

Recipient: Barksdale Air Force Base, 307th Bomb Wing

Recipient Address: 425 Lindbergh Avenue, Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana 71110

Requested Amount: $7 million

Explanation of Request: This request will fund the construction of a medical facility expansion for the 307th Bomb Wing at Barksdale Air Force Base. The current medical facility was constructed in 1998 and is prone to overcrowding. An expanded facility would allow the wing to more efficiently medically process personnel during training weekends and for operational purposes. Without this expansion, personnel may not be medically cleared in a timely manner, thus delaying deployments and the wing’s overall readiness standing.

Link to Authorization letter

Link to Appropriation letter