Press Releases

Speaker Johnson on Biden Election-Year Border Charade: “It’s Window Dressing and Everyone Knows It”

WASHINGTON — At the weekly House Republican Leadership press conference this morning, Speaker Johnson addressed the House response into the sham trial of President Trump, President Biden’s election-year border charade, and the House’s efforts to hold the International Criminal Court accountable.

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On the Congressional response to President Trump’s trials:

We’re going to do everything we can everything within our scope of our responsibility in the Congress to address it appropriately. And I announced this morning to our conference, we're working on a three-pronged approach. You heard Leader Scalise and others reference it today. But we're looking at various approaches to what can be done here through the appropriations process, through the legislative process, through bills that will be advancing through our committees and put on the floor for passage and through oversight. All those things will be happening vigorously. Because we must do that, because the stakes are too high and because people are losing faith in our institutions. And that at the end of the day, is something that should concern every single one of us, and I think it does.

On President Biden’s election-year border charade:

It was 126 days ago today that Joe Biden said, “I've done all I can do.” He was asked about why he wouldn't use his extensive executive authority to address the border catastrophe that he himself created. And 126 days ago, he looked into the cameras and said “I am out of options. I've done all I can do.” He tried to convince us all for all this time that there was no way he could possibly fix the mess. Remember that he engineered it, which Congressman Ciscomani said a few moments ago. He began this on the day he took office over three and a half years ago when he walked into the Oval Office and he started issuing executive orders, dozens of them . We counted 64 specific executive actions that President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas took to open that border wide. They did it intentionally.

They engineered the open border. There's no question about it. The evidence is so clear and now suddenly oh, now he wants to issue some weak Executive Order by the way, one Executive Order, supposedly to try to address the issue. It's window dressing. Everybody knows it. If he if he was concerned about the border, he would have done this a long time ago. And we don't know what's in this. The devil will definitely be in the details here. I can assure you, but from what we're hearing, it will ignore multiple elements that have to be addressed - the elements that were in our legislation that we passed over 14 months ago to fix the broken asylum program, to fix the broken parole process, to reinstate the remain in Mexico policy, and to end the catch and release policy that they've advanced. Those are the reasons that this catastrophe has been allowed to continue.

On the House’s efforts to hold the ICC accountable:

The idea that they would issue an arrest warrant for the Prime Minister of Israel, Defense Minister of Israel, at the time of their fighting for their nation's very existence against the evil of Hamas, as a proxy of Iran, is unconscionable to us. And as I said a couple of weeks ago, the ICC must be punished for this action. We cannot allow this to stand. If the ICC was allowed to do this and go after the leaders of countries whose actions they disagree with, Why would they not come after America? You already have leaders around the world and in smaller countries who take issue with things we do around the globe.

We know the President doesn't like to listen to us, but I hope that he'll listen to the members of at least his own party who are denouncing the ICC and calling for action. President Biden ought to recognize the danger of letting them pursue these illegitimate investigations and the need to sanction the ICC in response to that.