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GOP to DOJ: Prosecute baby parts sellers

U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is one of 18 members who signed a letter calling on the DOJ to prosecute Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. One News Now

House Republicans are not letting a Planned Parenthood scandal die.

After reviewing and investigating David Daleiden's undercover investigation, the House Select Committee on Infant Lives has turned over its findings to the Department of Justice, calling for criminal prosecution.

U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) is one of 18 members who signed a letter calling on the DOJ to prosecute Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast.

"These are backroom deals that have been made to transfer and sell the body parts of unborn babies,” Johnson tells OneNewsNow. "It's not only shocking, it's clearly illegal — and we have to do everything in our power to stop this practice and protect the sanctity of every single human life.”

Johnson had abortion executives testify about the practice before his House panel when he served as a Louisiana state legislator. Now, as a congressman, he says it's time to prosecute those responsible.

To date, there's been no response to the Congressmen’s letter to the DOJ.

"I suspect that our letter has been well received,” Johnson says. "We know Attorney General Jeff Sessions is committed to the sanctity of life, but even more than that, he certainly is committed to upholding the rule of law.”

Congressman Steve Pearce of New Mexico sent a similar letter to Sessions requesting a close look at two entities that were exposed by the videos for their involvement in the scandal.