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A framework for personalized, affordable health care

The Heartland Institute

This report outlines the Republican Study Committee's plan to make health insurance more affordable and health care more responsive to consumers.

After months of discussions with experts and stakeholders, the Republican Study Committee released its health care plan, an alternative to the Medicare for All plan introduced by Democrats in Congress in 2019.  The plan, is a "conservative framework," states the authors that serves as "an alternative to more, destructive government interference."  The plan describes the market under Obamacare, includes real-life case studies, and provides a three-pronged solution:  health insurance portability, protecting vulnerable populations, and expanding access to innovative care.

Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana leads the RSC and Rep. Roger Marshall, M.D. of Kansas, and Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. of Tennessee head up the RSC Health Care Task Force.  Other members of the task force include Rep. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, Rep. Larry Buchson, M.D. of Indiana, Rep. David Rouzer of North Carolina, Rep. John Joyce, M.D. and Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania, Rep. Mark Green, M.D. of Tennessee, Rep. David Rouzer of North Carolina and Rep. Chip Roy of Texas.